Fameuse Apple (Snow Apple)


Zone 3 - Quebec. 17th century or earlier - Standard rootstock

Dessert, cooking
Mid-late season

Parentage: Unknown
This apple’s origin is lost in the mists of time. It was either brought to Quebec in the 1600s as a grafted plant (unlikely) or was a seedling grown from seed brought from France by missionaries. Whatever the truth, it soon spread throughout eastern North America, where it survived in cold areas where many others failed. Fameuse is a small to medium size apple, with tender skin that may be green with red striping when grown in low light, but that develops a deep red colour when exposed to sun. The flesh is pure white, with delicate streaks of red that emanate from the skin. The fruit is juicy, tender, and sweetens as it matures. Originally thought to be the parent of McIntosh, however recent DNA testing says it is a grandparent of same.


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